10+ Exclusive Things That You Can Do With WordPress Easily




Since its inception, WordPress is one of the best and perfect tools for running a blog and a regular website. Because of its open architecture, this high-end CMS is much more than just a CMS as there are lots of developers worldwide, who are taking this exclusive platform to a new level.
In addition, the users of this wonderful platform can make this platform into something really more than a CMS with themes and plugins. Below, you can find 10+ exclusive things that you can do with WordPress without any hassle.

You can have a close look at what’s more possible with WordPress that will surely inspire you to make use of it in such way that you had not though earlier:


I don’t think so that anybody would have thought about WordPress as forum software. At EngineThemes, they guys have an excellent thing going on. They are capable enough of turning WordPress into a very good forum application with an exclusive theme that known as ForumEngine.

Moreover, it is a customized version of WordPress comments + posts, merged with front-end controls and easy administration. They have huge information on how to make slick designs. You can go through bbPress from the creators of WordPress if you are interested in making use of WordPress as a forum.


Directory is one such theme that you have not imagined WordPress is running the show. Popularly known as directory theme doesn’t only enable users to make attractive homepage, but it also incorporate numerous specific directory features on it’s listing pages.

Amazon Shop

When it comes to combining WordPress with WooCommerce, it makes for a wonderful eCommerce solution. But how do you feel if you can take it as a further step by adding as your supplier. The best thing is that you can begin selling without having your own stock to worry about. Just you will need is the plugin that known as Amazon Shop and an Amazon affiliate account.

Twitter Look-alike

A lot of people know this as a Twitter for WordPress, the P2 theme is the best way to allow short communication in teams as well as companies. It is the theme Automattic use themselves for internal communication.

Because of its online commenting, one can easily post on a topic by which other people can easily respond in a very convenient way. Moreover, there are not a lot of things to do, but the best thing about it is great at doing what it needs to do.

Issue Tracking

Issue Tracking is one of the best themes that called Quality Control, making best use of WordPress functionality by turning it into a wonderful quality control tool. Posts easily become problems and comments become status updates. In addition to this, the theme has an integrated ticket system that can be filtered on priority, milestone or status. Even it enables for assigning tickets to a particular user.

Coupon Website

As we all know that coupon websites are considered as one of the best ways to generate affiliate commissions, delivered you do not use shady tactics to draw in visitors. Clipper is a wonderful theme, made by AppThemes, allowing users to integrate coupon management at an advanced level.

Support Desk

You would a lot of knowledge based themes, but this theme known as SupportPress, it is easily possible for you to have you own ticketing system. Even it comes with capability to allow chat functionality. So, users of this theme can comprise documentation, an integrated forum and FAQs all in one single theme.

Classified Ads

Till today, classified ads are extremely popular, so people can find an excellent classifieds theme that known as ClassiCraft to convert WordPress into a classified ads site without any kind of hassle. Using this high-end theme, users will have the best usability, and enabling for multiple ways of monetizing your website by providing premium ads. It also enables people for showing a map next to every single listing and a contact form.

E-Commerce Site

Now, you can easily monetize your website through WooCommerce that is a fully customizable plugin and provides you the ability to keep track of incoming sales, reviews and stock levels. This is one such plugin that offers payment gateways like PayPal standard, Cash on Delivery and BACS. This plugin is also well-known for handling all your shipping requirements. Mainly, it fully takes care of your online business needs.

Social Network

You know that you can turn WordPress into a fully social networking site. This is considered as the best tool that can help you to reach your niche audience like sports team or company. One can easily do this via BuddyPress. As it allows your visitors to sign-up, post messages and create profiles.

From there, you are capable of using BuddyPress in order to communicate and interact with your audience. More than 330 BuddyPress plugins are there, so one can easily customize it in order to meet your requirements.

Clone Themes

When it comes to talking about clone themes, users can get benefit of cloning a theme which can be used if converting an old WordPress theme or integrating your blog onto an existing website. It is fact that one can be done by using a plugin like ThemeMatcher.

It is very simple to use, so users can enter the input of the address you want to copy, settle on a layout and more. Users do not have to bother about codes, CSS, images or anything.


Membership’s plugins are some of the most popular plugins for WordPress. It is an easy to combine it with various membership levels due to WordPress’ convenient user system. There are some of the payment options to it, so you can start selling memberships.

In addition to this, this plugin named S2Member can easily protect your while website or also enable for pay-per-article. This one is obtainable for free unlike other themes.

So, these are the top 10+ things that can be easily performed with WordPress that one can easily do. Moreover, if you are looking forward to having a WordPress based website for your business, you can hire a professional WordPress developer from any trusted WordPress development company.

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